Friday, February 26, 2010

A Well-to-do Life for All 1

Human history is in itself a history of continuous economic development from low level to high level. Economic development is the drving force or momentum to push human society towards civilization. Along with economic development, the living standard of people is raised step by step, from generation to generation. Science and technology play an important role in accelerating the advancing steps of economic development and people‘s living standard. However, history never advances smoothly; for every step of progress in human history high price has to be paid, as the struggles between different factions or social strata never cease, each striving to protect their own interests, disregarding others‘ concern and benefit. Admist the turbulent currents of economic changes, some strata of people have advantages over others and benefit from social economic reforms while some other people suffer big losses, in a disadvantageous position to protect their interests. For instance, some enterprising people become get-rich-quicks or upstarts in business and trade while large numbers of people are laid-off.

Despite the different luck or fate people in different social strata may have, the sole aim and purpose of every nation or individual is the same: prosperity and wealth. The common goal for life is to live a better existence, both materially and spiritually. Material sufficiency,such as food, clothing and shelters of houses, is the basis or foundation of better spiritual aspiration. Only when people have obtained the daily necessaries of food, clothing and houses can they pursue something better spiritually and speak of making more contributions to the civilization of humanity. People‘s pursuit for material and spiritual welfare never ends as long as there is human society in existence.